

    Today education is rapidly changing. It is a veritable revolution; and perhaps that would be an understatement. Our honorable Human Resource Minister ,has proved to be a visionary, looking the beyond the traditional and the mundane and initiated a process of regeneration which was long overdue in the redundant education system. CCE, continuous comprehensive Evolution has opened up new avenues leading to future in which no child shall be forced to wear the dunce’s cap. Students can bloom into flower of differing fragrance scholastic and non scholastic. CCE attempts to register the growth of the child, the gradual blooming of the flower. Examinations are one day end of the year affair. Examination are no longer but learning experiences. The child is not lost in the maze of examination centric education. Learning is no longer temporal and individual but grades has transformed learning into a group activity in which children do not feel isolated and are not forced to forgo the innocent pleasures of childhood and welcome premature pressure of adulthood. I wish in my time, When I was in school, I had a system like this. Today’s system does not believe in making sharpened pencil out of inquisitives and open learners because pencil break under pressure. But CCE intends to transform children into painting brush, so that, they can adorn the world with the vibrant vivid colours of their personalities and grow to be human, tolerant and compassionate. Teachers are involved in the man making industry and therefore CCE has made their work worthwhile. CCE has armed to teachers with tools which help them to make the learning experience more effective and efficient. CCE coupled with NCF will usher in a golden period in Indian education. NCF recommends the building of a bridge between the classroom and the world outside; and CCE helps the teacher in fashioning that bridge of true life centric knowledge and perfect understanding and practical skill and purposeful application. I may put forth the crux of the matter as –NCF is the heart, CCE the head and KVS is the hands of modern education system in India. Let us look forward to the late bloomers; and let us all look forward to a garden full of flowers. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat KV HPCL, Jagiroad

    Bikram Jeet Paul Choudhury
    Principal I/C